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  1. Reports on whether a student has been screened

  1. Let the teacher know if there was an issue during screening that needs action.

  1. Allows teachers to assign a new screening or progress monitor


Questions: What skill gaps should I be helping this student surmount right now? What instructional resources will enable me to surmount those gaps? Has this student mastered the skills I just taught? The Diagnostic Report provides a deep profile of each student’s reading skills.  The Report is organized around the reading rope and the Curriculum being utilized.  The central idea of the report is to show a Mastery Map centered on the threads of the Reading Rope.  Each thread is a “Row,” with Word Recognition domains at the top and Language Comprehension domains at the bottom.  The threads “unfold in time, showing skills arranged consistent with the Scope & Sequence dictated by the chosen curriculum.  In other words, skills are shown from the 1st Kindergarten Unit up through 5th grade (the skill’s associated grade is shown at the top of the chart.  In the screenshot below, the skills shown are the ones associated with Kindergarten-Fall instruction.)Within the matrix created by Reading Rope threads on the left and Time (from K to 5) on the top, the report organizes each unit of the chosen curriculum in the curriculum’s instructional sequence.  These Units or Modules are shown as the Purple/Blue Headers.  Under each curricular block, specific Reading Skills targeted by Reading Assistant are shown as small boxes.  Each box is an a Reading Assistant Skill that the software knows how to assess.   As a student reads and demonstrates the ability associated with that skill, Reading Assistant designates the mastery of that skill. The skill box shows grey when Reading Assistant has insufficient information to evaluate mastery.  If the student shows they have the skill, the box is green.  Conversely, if a student has shown that they have not yet acquired a skill, the box shows red.   The diagnostic report is a visual map of a student’s reading brain. The key value of the report is that teachers can hone in on the “red zones,” select that particular box, and discover the instructional resources that can help build the gap. The Skills Diagnostic Report is a powerful tool for differentiating instruction.  The Report:

  1. Shows the State Standards relevant to the user (TEKS in Texas, BEST in Florida, Common Core in CCSS states, and so on);

  1. Morphs will mirror the district-chosen curriculum (e.g., HMH Into Reading, Amplify CKLA, McGraw-Hill Wonders).

  1. It bases skill mastery on actual, specific observation of a student student’s reading. If the Diagnostic Report shows the “TH Digraph” skill as red, it's because the student has struggled to read the “TH” digraph.

Class Progress Report Questions: Which students in my class are doing okay, and which should I be worried about? How have my students changed since the last assessment window? The Class Progress Report is the at-a-glance way for teachers to evaluate Screener Results. The report tells the teacher where the student stands, highlights whether an intervention is needed, and makes it easy to see how much growth has occurred since the last screening window.


