This tutorial outlines the dictation activities incorporated within steps 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the iSPIRE program. These activities reinforce students' understanding and application of the concepts learned throughout the lessons.
Video Guide:
iSPIRE Tutorial - 16 Steps 7 10 Dictation.mp4Eyes on Teacher Mode: All the activities in steps 7, 8, 9, and 10 are conducted in "Eyes on Teacher Mode." This approach ensures that students are attentive and focused on the teacher's instructions, displayed on the teacher's device.
Using Dictation Paper: Students are required to use the dictation paper available in their iSPIRE student workbooks for these activities. The dictation paper is a structured template for students to record their responses based on the teacher's verbal prompts.
Duration of Activities:
Step 7: The dictation activity in step 7 is designed to be concise, taking approximately two minutes to complete.
Step 8: In this oral activity, the teacher and students analyze the first spelling word, focusing on its phoneme-grapheme relationships. This step is conducted similarly across all S.P.I.R.E. formats.
Step 9: Step 9's dictation activity extends the duration slightly, taking about five minutes, allowing for more complex dictation exercises.
Step 10: Similar to step 9, the dictation activity in step 10 also takes about five minutes, concluding the series of dictation exercises.
Total Lesson Duration: Incorporating these dictation activities, a full iSPIRE introductory or reinforcing lesson is structured to take approximately 60 minutes. This timeframe includes all the steps and activities to provide a comprehensive learning experience.
Preparation: Ensure that all students have their iSPIRE student workbooks and dictation paper ready at the beginning of the lesson.
Instructions: Communicate the dictation exercises using the prompts and directions displayed on your device. It's important to articulate the dictation content clearly and at a pace suitable for all students.
Engagement: Encourage students to listen carefully and respond accurately on their dictation paper. These activities are crucial for assessing students' understanding and retention of the lesson's content.
By integrating dictation activities into steps 7, 8, 9, and 10, the iSPIRE program emphasizes the importance of listening skills, comprehension, and the ability to transcribe information accurately. These activities reinforce the lesson's concepts and enhance students' auditory processing and writing skills.