This guide will walk you through managing student enrollment in your iSPIRE classes, including removing students from a class, adding existing students to a new class, and removing a student account from your roster. By the end of this guide, you will clearly understand how to manage student enrollment in your iSPIRE classes, ensuring that your roster remains accurate and reflects your current student population.
Video guide
Removing an Existing Student from a Class:
Open the class roster.
Locate and select the student you want to remove.
Click the "X" next to the student’s name to initiate the removal.
Confirm the removal by clicking "Yes". This action removes the student from the class but does not delete their account.
Adding an Existing Student to a New Class:
Access the class roster to which you want to add a student.
Go to the "All Your Other Students" tab to see students not currently in the class.
Locate the student you wish to add, then click the "+" in the "Add to Class" column.
The student will now appear in the class roster, confirming they have been successfully added.
Completely Removing a Student Account:
Confirm the student is not enrolled in any licensed class.
Navigate to "All Your Other Students" in one of your roster management sections.
Find the student to be deleted and click the trash can icon under the "Delete" column.
A warning pop-up will appear to ensure you understand the student account will be removed entirely.
Click "Delete" to permanently remove the student’s account from your roster. Although removed from your roster, the student’s account remains in the Explorer OHS system and has been disconnected from your teacher account.
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