
These instructions are only for districts not using a roster sync.

These instructions are only for districts not using a roster sync.


Bulk User Import

  1. Log into EPS Connect and access the applicable program.

  1. Use the Global Navigation Bar to select ADMIN  > IMPORT USERS 


  1. Download the CSV file template(s) for the user type(s).


  1. Populate the fields and save the file as a CSV. If you have trouble uploading an Excel CSV with the default file type, save it with the file type CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
    School ID may be found on the School Details page.
    A comma must separate Multiple School IDs. 
    Email is not required for students unless the district is using Google SSO.
    The grade must be within the grades associated with the school.


  1. To upload the template, Select User Type from the drop-down menu. 


You can drag and drop the CSV file from its location on your computer or select the UPLOAD button to select and upload the file. 

Note: The UPLOAD button and drag and drop function will not be enabled until a User Type has been selected.


If you attempt to upload an incorrect template for the User Type, you will receive a pop-up error. Select OK  to close the pop-up and either change the User Type or select the correct template type.

If you attempt to upload an incorrect template for the User Type, you will receive a pop-up error. Select OK  to close the pop-up and either change the User Type or select the correct template type.


  1. A pop-up shows the progress of the upload. Select CANCEL if you wish to stop the import.


  1. A validation list will show any errors in the uploaded file. If any errors are found, they must be corrected, and the file must be uploaded again. 
    Passwords should contain at least one uppercase and lowercase letter, number, and special character.
    Student passwords must be at least 8 characters.
    Teacher and School Admin passwords must be at least 12 characters.

Student Grade Levels are entered numerically, grades 1-13, or as these values: 
PK = Prekindergarten
TK = Transitional Kindergarten
K = Kindergarten


After correcting any errors, UPLOAD the file again. You will receive a message that there are no errors. Select CONFIRM to import the users. 


You will receive a pop-up saying that the users were successfully imported.  Select OK to close the pop-up.

