iSPIRE Lesson Planner
  • In progress
  • iSPIRE Lesson Planner

    What is the S.P.I.R.E. Lesson Planner?

    The S.P.I.R.E. Lesson Planner is a tool designed to help teachers plan and document their daily S.P.I.R.E. lessons. It provides a structured template incorporating all the key components of a comprehensive S.P.I.R.E. lesson.

    PDF guide: Lesson Planner

    Planner Format

    • Single-page template that can be copied for ongoing use

    • Includes sections for each lesson component with space to record specific activities, words, and sentences

    • Allows for documentation of the independent work activity


    Key Components

    1. Phonogram Cards (5 min): Review and introduce phonograms

    2. Phonological Awareness (5 min): Rhyming, sound providing, categorization, and segmentation activities

    3. Word Building (5 min): Build words with letter tiles

    4. Decoding and Sentence Reading (10 min): Apply decoding strategies to words and sentences

    5. Prereading (5 min): Introduce sight words and analyze target words

    6. Reading (15 min): Word Find and sentences for introductory lessons; reading selection, graphic organizer, and decodable reader for reinforcing lessons

    7. Sound Dictation (2 min): Dictate sounds for writing practice

    8. Prespelling (3 min): Introduce spelling word list

    9. Spelling (5 min): Practice spelling words

    10. Sentence Dictation (5 min): Dictate sentences for writing practice



    • Ensures all essential components of a practical S.P.I.R.E. lesson are addressed

    • Provides a consistent structure for daily lessons

    • Allows for easy tracking of objectives, activities, and student progress

    • Serves as a guide for pacing and time management during lessons


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