SPIRE STAR Placement Test

SPIRE STAR Placement Test

Administering the S.P.I.R.E. Placement Test: A Step-by-Step Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of administering the S.P.I.R.E. Placement Test, designed to determine the appropriate starting level for individual students in the S.P.I.R.E. program.

PDF Guide: SPIRE STAR Placement Test



In this guide, you will learn how to:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials for administering the Placement Test

  2. Administer Part A: Phonograms and determine if the student should be placed in Sounds Sensible

  3. Administer Part B: Word Lists and determine the appropriate starting level for the student in the S.P.I.R.E. program

  4. Record and interpret the results of the Placement Test


Preparation and Administration

  1. Make a master copy of the Placement Test, plus one copy per student of the Placement Test Recording Form.

  2. Select a quiet, distraction-free area to administer the test one-on-one.

  3. When administering the test, sit across from the student and position the Recording Form so the student cannot see what you are writing. Be discreet when recording observations.


Part A: Phonograms

  1. Instruct the student to read the list from left to right and state each letter's name and the sound it makes.

  2. Circle each letter on the Recording Form that a student incorrectly identifies. A correct response includes the correct letter name and sound; if either is incorrect, circle the item.

  3. Do not prompt the student unless he or she produces only one correct sound for a letter with multiple sounds. For example, if a student correctly identifies the letter c and pronounces it with a soft c, /s/, prompt for the hard c sound, /k/, by asking, "Is there another sound for that letter?"

  4. If the student does not correctly identify all the letters and sounds, place him or her in Sounds Sensible. If a student misses 1–3 consonant sounds, you may choose to teach only the corresponding lessons for those sounds in Sounds Sensible, Step 4.

  5. If the student correctly identifies all of the letters and sounds in Part A, continue testing with Part B.


Part B: Word Lists

  1. Instruct the student to start reading the word lists, from left to right, beginning with the Level 1 Word List. Explain that he or she will read each word aloud, slowly and clearly, as you listen carefully.

  2. Follow along on the Recording Form and circle each word the student decodes incorrectly. To accurately assess the student's ability to decode, do not prompt the student.

  3. If the student reads each sound individually before blending the word, count it correctly, but mark the word "s/o" for "sounded out."

  4. Discontinue if the student makes over 8 errors on a Level Word List. The discontinue point is where the student is placed in the program. For example, if a student makes 8 errors while reading Level 3 Word List B, the student is placed in Level 3.

  5. A student who reaches the end of the Level 6 Word List may not need a S.P.I.R.E. or iSPIRE intervention.


Recording and Interpreting Results

  1. Use the Placement Test Recording Form to record the student's responses and errors for Part A: Phonograms and Part B: Word Lists.

  2. Refer to the Placement Test Schedule on the Recording Form to determine the appropriate placement or next steps based on the number of errors made in each part of the test.

  3. If administering the test online, refer to the instructions within the digital experience for recording and interpreting results.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively administer the S.P.I.R.E. Placement Test and determine the appropriate starting level for each student in the program.



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