Add Students to Exploros Class (manual)

Add Students to Exploros Class (manual)

You can manually create students in an Exploros class. This method is best suited for smaller classes or adding a single student to an existing class. It would not be used if using one of the SSO options (e.g., Google Class, Canvas, Schoology).


Add students to a smaller class or add an individual to an existing class.

  1. Select the class from the All Classes list in the upper left of your dashboard.

  2. Click the drop-down to the right of the class name and select Roster.

  1. Select Import Students and then click Proceed in the dialog box that appears.

  2. Add student information as the headers indicate, separating each with a comma. Email is optional. (Take note of the order, as the headers will disappear when you begin typing.) If you add more than one student, press Enter/Return to move to a new row where you can add their information. When you have added all your students, click Next.


If there are no conflicts in your student data, click Next to complete the import. If there are, you will see a message indicating why. In the example below, the Username is already in the system; therefore, it must be changed before this import can be completed.

NOTE: Usernames must be unique across the entire Exploros platform. Like an email address, if the Username you choose is in use, you need to modify it until it is accepted by the system.
