Reading Assistant Components of the Dyslexia Risk Screener

Reading Assistant Components of the Dyslexia Risk Screener

What are the components of the Dyslexia Risk Screener?


The Reading Assistant Dyslexia Screener is used to identify students at risk of dyslexia or other reading difficulties. The Dyslexia Screener tasks and schedule are configured at the district level.

The Dyslexia Screener consists of students reading aloud the Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) tasks, followed by a selection of other tasks dependent on grade level and district/school configuration. Together, these tasks contribute to the ARM score and produce a measure of risk (at risk, some risk, or low risk).  

This risk measure is meant to inform, not identify dyslexia, and you should follow your District or Campus’ Dyslexia Risk Protocols.

The tasks available by grade level are pictured below.

For each task, Reading Assistant will explain the directions, encouraging the student to try the student's best. Reading Assistant will count down at the beginning of the screener by saying Ready, Set, Start! She will then move through the configured tasks with brief directions at the start of each task.

