Spanish Practice Browser Requirements

Spanish Practice Browser Requirements

Update your browser to be compatible with Spanish Practice.


Reading Assistant Practice in Spanish requires specific browser versions that are slightly higher than our standard Technical Requirements. This is because browser speech detection technologies have been recently updated for the Spanish language.


To ensure your browser meets the minimum requirements for Spanish Practice, update your browser as follows:

  • iPad (iOS) Safari: 14.5 or greater

  • Desktop (MacOS) Safari: 14.1 or greater

  • Chrome (ver. 90 or greater)

  • Microsoft Edge (ver. 16 or greater)

  • Firefox: Not supported

To see your device’s latest version, go to www.whatismybrowser.com.


If you see an error message like the following on a student's screen, the browser likely needs to be updated, or you must switch to a different browser.





IT administrators, follow these steps to test devices/browsers:

  1. Go to https://login.amiratutor.com/

  2. Log in with the following information

    • Username: bilingual.boy

    • Password: student

  3. Click on "Leer una historia"

  4. If you are presented with the ability to select a story, click a story title.

  5. If you receive the story, the browser and version are compatible

  6. If you get a compatibility error message above, the browser and/or version is outdated or incompatible. Update your browser usage to the specifications above, then test the device/browser again

Remember that iPads require a Safari browser window for Reading Assistant; in other words, Chrome or Firefox are incompatible with Reading Assistant on an iPad.

