Coach Digital Overview

Coach Digital Overview

Coach Digital Compass is a comprehensive resource for teachers to pull standard-based content and resources for classroom instruction, practice, and support. This guide will walk you through the basic functions and features of the Coach Digital Compass program.  


After you log in, you will see a list of four buttons at the top of the page;  #Content, #Assessment_Builder, #Manage, and #Reporting. You will also notice that there are alerts, lists of assignments, as well as other buttons on your main dashboard. We will cover all of those in this article.

The majority of the resources available to you will be under the Content button.

  1. Coach Digital Compass Library. This will be the first tab under the Content button. The Coach Digital Compass Library provides teachers with a host of various resources from our Coach series. Our materials are broken down in the gradual-release model which allows for teachers to easily assign content to students. Teachers can filter by grade level, subject, and even by standard to find the lessons their students need.




*Please note that the standards in the image above are national. Please let us know if you want more information on your specific state standards.

For Instruction and Practice, we recommend Performance Coach and Practice Coach Plus. These resources are robust materials that will give the teacher support in instruction and the student targeted practice on their needed skills.






For remediation and support, we recommend Support Coach, Ladders to Success and Workout. For whole-group instruction, we encourage teachers to look at our Instruction Coach series. This resource will allow teachers to provide whole-group instruction. It also provides a full teacher guide for strategies for success.
Please note that not all resources provide online student practice. The resources with the green hand next to them have digital, reportable practice.



  1. Catch Up with Coach. Catch Up with Coach is a new resource to Coach that is specifically designed for classrooms where students are behind. You can find Catch Up with Coach in the second tab after you select the Content button. This resource is designed to quickly identify and close student learning gaps to bring students back onto grade level. The platform provides a screener which allows teachers to identify learning gaps from across a grade level. The teacher will then be given a list of prescribed lessons for each student.


Lessons are grouped into units. Each unit has a pre-test and a post-test, as well as lessons that cover skills. This allows teachers to identify learning gaps within specific units and directly assign lessons within those learning gaps. Each lesson also has a secondary lesson that allows teachers to remediate the students within a specific skill or to a pre-requisite skill.


Catch Up with Coach also provides teachers will a Score Report. This report allows teachers to easily set proficiency, view student learning gaps, and quickly assign needed lessons for students to close those gaps.



Please note that the reporting for anything completed in Catch Up with Coach will be unique to the Catch Up with Coach program. All recommendations will be within the Catch Up with Coach library of resources.


  1. Digital Assessments. Coach Digital Compass offers digital assessments for teachers to assign to students. The pre-made assessments are found under the Digital Assessment tab after you select the Content button. Coach Digital Compass digital assessments are broken into two categories:

    1. Digital Assessments. These are assessments that are intended to evaluate student progress after instruction and practice. For these assessments, there are two kinds:

      1. Formative/Domain Assessments. These can be assigned per unit. Students can be evaluated based on a specific set of standards and skills within a unit, domain, or strand. Some of the assessments relate to specific workbooks.

  1. Summative Assessments. These assessments cover standards and skills for the entire level selected.

  1. Placement/Diagnostic Tests. These assessments are usually given before a student starts a unit or lesson. They are broken down by grouped skills. Coach Digital Compass placement tests will dip into previous grade levels on some questions to identify learning gaps for pre-requisite skills to the assigned unit.

  1. Teacher Resources. The teacher resources tab will provide you with other resources as well, but mostly for print. This includes Teacher Guides, Instructional Materials, Print Assessments, Answer Keys, and Tools and Glossaries. If you are looking at ELA between grades 3 and 8, you will notice that there is another tab, called Leveled Readers. This will provide you with independent reading passages leveled for the students. These are connected to your Instruction Coach resource.


  1. Assessment Builder. The Assessment Builder is found under the second button at the top of the page. This resource allows you to build your own custom assessments for ELA and Math (grades 3 to 8). On this window, you can filter by Subject, Grade Level, Depth of Knowledge, and Question Type*. Teachers and administrators can also filter by standard. Additionally, teachers can search for questions with our “Search by question or passage text”.





*The Depth of Knowledge filter and certain question types will not be available for our legacy edition of the platform.

After finding the questions for the assessment, the teacher can drag the questions over to the “Assessment Preview”. The teacher will then name the assessment, provide instructions, and select “Save” (or “Save and Preview”).



  1.   Manage. The manage button will allow you to see a list of all your assignments for your students. This will give you transparency into what has been assigned. You can filter by class, status (active, pending, expired, etc), and whether it was assigned by a teacher or an administrator. You can edit, reassign, or adjust assignments as needed.



You even have access to view your assignments on a calendar. This is also available on the right-hand side of your main dashboard.



  1. Reporting. With Coach Digital Compass Reporting, a teacher will be able to view two ways to view these reports. Additionally, some of the reports will surface as alerts on the teacher’s main dashboard. To directly access a report, hover over the “Reporting” button and choose your report of choice.

  1. Cumulative Standard Report. The first report you see is the Cumulative Standard Report. This report will allow you to view the percentage of correct answers versus incorrect answers by standard. This will be segmented by domain or strand (or unit), and separated by standard. Teachers or administrators can filter by subject, grade level, class, student, assessment type, or even within a specific date range.

Teachers can view the number of students involved, items (questions asked), and be able to select the items button to view the questions.


At the standard level, a “View Recommendations” button will appear which will allow teachers to assign additional content based on learning gaps.











  1. Assignment Report. The Assignment Report allows teachers and administrators to see each assignment and test that has been made. There will be a “Scored at Least” button that will give the user the ability to toggle the proficiency. This report can be filtered by class, student, or assessment type. The report groups assignments by assignment type, subject, and grade level. The percentage represents the percentage of students at or above proficiency (green) and the percentage of students below proficiency (red).



If a single class is selected, the “View Report” button will be available. When the “View Report” button is selected, the teacher/administrator will see a list of all students, their final scores, and the numbered questions. Where names are crossed with the question number, that will provide the teacher with how the student performed on the question: green is correct, and red is incorrect.



Teachers can also hover over questions to get a breakdown of the answers students gave, as well as a list of reinforcing lessons on that same skill.



  1. Other Reporting Tools. The teacher will also see options for exporting these reports.  This was added to provide teachers with the ability to integrate scores into other systems if needed. Additionally, we have provided a report for Catch Up with Coach that allows teachers and administrators to view a report that shows the results of the student’s pre and post-tests for each unit.

  1. Dashboard. The teacher dashboard will surface the reporting to your main dashboard as alerts.


The student alerts will show the list of students who are struggling with specific standards. The class alerts will show you alerts on standards that students are struggling with in the class. The Report button will take you directly to the Cumulative Standards Report.  By selecting an alert, you will be taken to a page that will allow you to view and assign the recommended content.


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