Getting Started on Coach Digital Compass - Administrators

Getting Started on Coach Digital Compass - Administrators

Managing School Settings

Administrators determine school settings and can edit these settings in the drop-down menu in the top right corner. Administrators can allow teachers to:

  1. Add, edit, and delete student users

  2. Assign students to classes

  3. Add, edit, and delete parent users



  1. Managing Teacher and Student Accounts and Classes. Administrators can create teacher and student accounts for their schools and classes for teachers. These three tasks can be completed in bulk by formatting and importing Excel files or individually by manually adding accounts and creating classes. Administrators should choose the appropriate option in the drop-down menu in the top right corner to add, edit, and manage accounts.



  1. The Coach Digital Compass Content After selecting the Content button, administrators will find books, lessons, assessments, Catch-up with Coach, placement tests, and other materials for the classroom. Administrators can browse for this material by choosing the grade and subject. Administrators have access to all the same instructional material as teachers. Select “Content” from the top toolbar.

    1. To start, choose your preferred Subject and grade(s)

    2. Under Library, you will find all of your program titles. You can browse through our courses or filter by standard. The books and lessons available will appear down the center of the page, and additional instructional material will be found on the left-hand toolbar

    3. Catch up with Coach identifies student learning gaps, then addresses those gaps through specific lessons and practice suggested by prescriptive reporting. The resource will provide you and your teachers with a grade-level screener, pre-/post- unit tests, and lessons corresponding to those units.    

      1. ​​​​​​​

    4. Digital Assessments. Your teachers can assign digital stand-alone Placement Tests and Digital Assessments, which contain both summative and formative assessments. 

      1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  2. Assigning Instructional Material. Administrators can assign lessons and tests to classes and individual students for teachers.

    1. Find the material you plan to assign

    2. Select the “Assign” button next to the title of the lesson or test

    3. On the Create Assignment page, fill in the fields marked *required

    4. Click “Assign”

    5. Administrators can manage all material assigned to students under the Manage tab in the “Assignment List.” However, even though administrators can assign material, the teacher must still grade it.






  1. The Assessment Builder – Designing Your Own Custom Assignment. Administrators can build unique assignments through the “Assessment Builder” in the top toolbar. With the Assessment Builder, administrators can select questions from our Question Bank and build assignments for their classrooms.

    1. Select “Assessment Builder” in the top toolbar.



  1. Using the Question Bank filters, choose a subject, grade level, and standard - You can also select a question type if you would like to narrow your search

  2. Scroll through the Question Bank list and drag and drop the questions you like into
    the “Assessment Preview” on the right-hand side of the page

  3. Give your assignment a name and type directions to your students

  4. Select “Save and Preview” or “Save” when finished

  5. All the assignments you build with the Assessment Builder will be stored in the “Custom Assessments” tab under “Assessment Builder” in the top toolbar. Administrators can share these custom assignments with the teachers in their school by choosing “Actions > Release” on the Custom Assessments page.



  1. The Reporting Tab – Tracking Student Progress and User Activity. Administrators can track student progress on assignments and standards through the Reporting tab on Coach Digital Compass.




  1. Hover over “Reporting”. The reporting tool will give you a breakdown of student proficiency and recommendations based on student learning gaps.

  2. Select Cumulative Standards Report to see how to track student mastery across skills.

  3. Select “Assignment Reporting” to view student assignment data by test or lesson.

Administrators can also track user activity for their school by viewing the Product Usage and User Login reports, which are listed under the Reporting tab.


If you have any questions or would like to schedule a webinar walk-through of the program, contact your Educator Success team at success@epslearning.com.



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