Single Student and Bulk Grading

Single Student and Bulk Grading

If you make an assignment without open-response questions, comprised entirely of multiple-choice questions, the entire assignment is auto-graded for you. If you have other question types, like short or extended response questions, student submissions will need to be graded by the teacher. 

To view auto-scored assignments:

  1. From the Teacher Dashboard, select Manage > Assignment List.

  2. Select the Class and then Active from the status drop-down. This will show your active assignments.

Coach Digital Compass Assignment List page showing active assignments with details like assigned date, expiration, status, and participation.
  1. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Report.

Coach Digital Compass Assignment List with assignment details, including name, dates, status, participation, and action options.

Grade an assignment:

Some assignments include open-response questions. Once a student has submitted their assignment for grading, follow the steps above and from the status drop-down, select Needs Grading. At the desired assignment, select Grade.

Assignment List with 'Needs Grading' filter applied, showing assignment titles, dates, participation, and grade options.

On the Grade Assignment page, the question number(s) that need to be graded are noted at the top. Within this Single Grading feature, you can grade student-by-student by using the Jump To Student feature.

Grade Assignment interface showing a math question, student answer, correct answer, and grading options.

Student responses appear at the bottom of the page. Select Student Score to apply points earned. You can then select Next Student or Next Unscored Item to continue grading.

Student assignment grading interface showing correct answer, student answer of 2 over 2, and student score dropdown with 0 and 1 point options.

Another option to grade open-response questions is to select Bulk Grading located at the top of the page.

Grade Assignment interface with 'Bulk Grading' button highlighted, showing question selection and student jump options.

Using the Bulk Grading option pulls all of the student responses into one place by question. As with Single Grading, apply points earned by selecting the Score drop-down menu.

If there are additional open-response questions to grade, select the Next Unscored Item.
Or, select Exit Grading.

Grade Assignment interface with question selection and student dropdowns highlighted, showing student response, correct answer, and score selection.

When points have been tabulated and applied to student accounts a confirmation message will appear.

Message box stating 'Assignment has been graded' with an OK button.



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