Tell me more about creating classes

Tell me more about creating classes

This article provides directions for teachers on how to create their classes in Catch Up with Coach and Coach Digital.

This feature may be locked out by a school admin account disabling teacher access or for Clever rostered schools.

Click on your profile in the top right corner, and select "Classes" from the dropdown menu.

Coach Digital Compass Teacher Dashboard displaying student alerts, assignments, and reports. The user profile menu is expanded in the top right corner, highlighting the Classes option. Other menu options include My Account, Students, Parents, Alert Preferences, Product Preferences, and Sign Out.

Your next step will be to select "Add a Class" at the bottom of the “Manage Classes” page.

Manage Classes page displaying a table with class names, subjects, grade levels, student counts, co teachers, and group details. Each class has an Actions dropdown menu. The Add a Class button is highlighted at the bottom.

Complete the information on the page, noting that a class name must be entered into the “Class Name” field in order for the class to be created. Select the students you would like to add to your class by checking the box to the left of the student's name. Lastly, select "Save" in the top box when finished.

Add a Class page displaying fields for class name, subject, grade, and class code. A Save button is present. Below, a Filter Student List section allows filtering students by grade and last name. A table lists student names, usernames, and grade levels, with student names blurred for privacy.




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