Reading Assistant Badging Report

Reading Assistant Badging Report

In addition to celebrating student milestones by awarding badges, teachers can now use the Badging Report to track historical class usage weekly or throughout the year.


Once a School or District admin has enabled the Badging Report (more on below), teachers will see the tile in their Reading Assistant Portal. 



The Badging Report and Historical Usage

Teachers can now access a weekly historical view of the minutes and stories read by students. This feature allows teachers to select a specific school week from a pre-populated drop-down menu and view the number of stories read and student reading minutes. Additionally, you can see a total of stories and minutes read in class.

How to Use


  1. Navigate to the Badging Report: Click the Badging Report tile in your teacher portal.

  2. Select a Week: Choose a week from the pre-populated drop-down menu on the left.

  3. View Data: The number of stories read and the total reading minutes for each student in the selected week will be displayed, just like in the Tracking Report for the current week. Teachers can also see a class total of the minutes and stories read for each week. 





The Badging Report & Awarding Badges


When a Badge is achieved, the teacher sees the attainment on the badging report. Any already awarded badge will have a checkmark, like the image below. To award a badge or print the certificate, select the students and click on the badge/s you wish to award (or award all at the top), then choose the option at the bottom you want to proceed with. To print (or reprint) certificates for already awarded badges, click on the ones you’d like to reprint and select print certificates at the bottom.





There are five ways for students to earn badges automatically with Reading Assistant, plus teachers can create their badges and certificates.

  • Total Sessions

  • Minutes this Week

  • New WCPM Highs

  • Skills Scaffold Graduation (Early Reader)

  • Fluency Milestone Achieved

  • Created by You (The teacher)


There are up to 6 levels per achievement, each with its mascot. Not all achievements will have a badge at each level.







Attainment Criteria




Award Badges = Students will see this badge on their progress view
Print Certificates = Badges will be awarded and shown on the student's progress view, allowing you to print physical certificates for the students.
Build Certificates = Allows you to create your own certificates for students.

Building A Certificate

Let’s say a group achievement is attained, and you want to create a custom certificate for your students. Select the students and click the Build a Certificate button at the bottom of the Badges Report.


You can print the certificates in color or black and white for a fun coloring project to give to your students!


Turning Badging on


First, District and School administrators must configure Reading Assistant Badging “on” by going to the Admin tools > Badging Configuration > and toggling Badging to be enabled.




A classroom teacher must approve all badges.  Teachers who don’t want to use badges in their classrooms can act like Reading Assistant Badges don’t exist.  Students will never know or see badges if teachers don’t use the Badging Report.

The Badging Report allows teachers to see, award, create, and print badge certificates. No certificate or badge exists without a teacher signaling “OK.”


Student View

Students can see their Badges when they desire on the revamped Progress Screen and review their awards by hovering over the mascots.




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