Re-license Your Classes
Re-license Your Classes
All licenses are removed from existing classes to prepare for the New School Year. Please refer to the below article to re-license your class.
Class licensing
During the summer, Exploros unlicensed existing classes in the program to free up seats for this coming year. Unlicensed classes do not use any seat licenses, and content cannot be assigned. If teachers will be using the same classes for this school year, the licenses can be added back to those classes at the administrator or teacher level. Please see the attached links for instructions on adding a license back to an unlicensed class.
Instructions for re-licensing a class for administrators:
Seat Licenses for Admins | Exploros Help Center
Instructions for re-licensing a class for teachers:
License (or Unlicense) a Class | Exploros Help Center
Email: Submit a Case
Phone: 800-225-5750, Option 3 (Technical Support)