Co-teach a class

Co-teach a class

A teacher can be invited to co-teach a class by joining the class created by another teacher. To grant co-teaching access, the owner of the class must provide the class code to the co-teacher. The unique Class Code can be found in the upper-right on the Class Roster page.


  1. The teacher who owns the class needs to share the Class Code with the co-teacher. The Class Code can be found on the Class Roster page.

  1. The Co-teacher then logs into their account and clicks the menu to the right of their initials. Select Co-teach a class, enter the Class Code provided by the owner of the class and click Join Class.

  1. Confirm that the class is the one you wish to join and click Join Class.

NOTE: A Co-teacher cannot see any data created prior to their joining the class.

NOTE: You cannot co-teach a class with a teacher in a different district (both teachers must be in the same district with valid school email domains).
