EPS Connect Managing Teacher Accounts

EPS Connect Managing Teacher Accounts

Adding Teachers

  1. Log into EPS Connect and access the applicable program.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > select USER ROLES > select TEACHERS.  






  1. SELECT SCHOOL(S) from the drop-down menu.  Enter the teacher's First Name, Last Name (not required), and Email. If desired, you may UPLOAD DISPLAY PICTURE for the teacher. Select ADD USER to save the teacher record.

Note: The ADD USER button will not be enabled until all required information has been entered. The teacher username and auto-generated password will be sent to the teacher's email.


You will receive a pop-up saying user added successfully. Select OK to close the pop-up.


Removing Teachers from A School

Note: A teacher's account cannot be deleted from a school unless removed from all classes in the school. For more information, please see Adding and Removing Teachers from Classes

  1. Log into EPS Connect and access the applicable program.

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > USER ROLES > TEACHERS.  



  1. Locate the teacher by using the SEARCH or FILTER options.



  1. Select Delete after expanding the vertical ellipsis.



  On the pop-up, check the school(s) from which the teacher should be deleted. Select OK.

The OK button will not be enabled until at least one school has been selected.



  1. You will be asked to enter a passphrase to confirm the deletion. After entering the phrase, select VERIFY.



  1. Confirm the deletion by selecting YES.



You will receive a pop-up saying teacher deleted successfully. Select OK to close the pop-up.


