EPS Connect Create and Edit Classes

EPS Connect Create and Edit Classes

Create and Edit Classes

District Technical Admins, School Admins, and Teachers can create and edit classes. Classes can be created manually or synced from Google Classroom for districts that have this feature enabled).


Create a Manual Class

  1. Login into EPS Connect

  2. On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > select ORGANIZATION > select CLASSES








  1. Set your class details:

  2. School Name: This will default to your primary school (if you are assigned to more than one) 

  3. Class Name: Student-facing name for your class

  4. Subject(s)

  5. Grade(s)

  6. Term: Specific terms are created by your district, or you can opt to use the school year as your term

  7. Section Number (optional)

  8. Period (optional)

  9. Add Teacher (District and School Admins only)

  10. Make available next year: Check this box to automatically copy your class and its courses to the next school year.

10. Select SAVE




11. Assign Courses and Students/ Groups


Edit an Existing Class

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > select ORGANIZATION > select CLASSES

  2. On the Class Listing page, locate the class to edit

  3. Under the 'Actions' column, select 

  4. Your class details will open in EDIT mode. Select SAVE when edits are complete.




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