EPS Connect Managing Student Accounts
Managing Student Accounts
These instructions are for non-rostered districts only.
Adding Students
Log into EPS Connect and access the applicable program.
On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > USER ROLES > STUDENTS.
SELECT SCHOOL from the drop-down menu. Enter or select the student's information following the form. An asterisk will indicate the required fields. If desired, you may choose an AVATAR for the student. Select ADD USER to save the student record.
The ADD USER button will not be enabled until all required information has been entered. Student password is autogenerated and can be viewed from the student listing once the student is added.
Removing Students
Log into EPS Connect and access the applicable program.
On the Navigation Bar, select USERS > USER ROLES > STUDENTS
Locate the student by using the SEARCH or FILTER options.
You may delete the student by:
4a. Selecting Delete Student after expanding the vertical ellipsis.
This option will allow you to delete the students from select schools.
Choose the school(s) from which the student should be deleted. Select OK.
The OK button will not be enabled until at least one school has been selected
4b. Check the box next to the student’s name and then select the DELETE STUDENTS button from the options above the student listing.
Notes: This option will delete the student from all schools where the student is enrolled. It also allows for multiple students to be deleted at once.
Select YES to continue.
You will be asked to enter a passphrase to confirm the deletion. After entering the phrase, select VERIFY.
Confirm the deletion by selecting YES.
You will receive a message that the student has been deleted successfully. Select OK
Email: Submit a Case
Phone: 800-225-5750, Option 3 (Technical Support)