Coach Digital Overview

Coach Digital Overview


Coach Digital Compass is a comprehensive resource for teachers to pull standard-based content and resources for classroom instruction, practice, and support. This guide will walk you through the essential functions and features of the Coach Digital Compass program.

After you log in, you will see four options at the top of the page: Content, Assessment Builder, Manage, and Reporting. You will also notice alerts, lists of assignments, and other buttons on your main dashboard. We will cover all of those in this article.

Coach Digital Teacher Dashboard showing a list of student alerts, assignments to grade, standards report and assignment Calendar

Most of the resources available will be under the Content button.

Coach Digital Compass Library

This will be the first tab under the Content button. The Coach Digital Compass Library provides teachers with a host of various resources from our Coach series. Our materials are broken down in the gradual-release model, which allows teachers to easily assign content to students. Teachers can filter by subject, grade level, and even standard to find the lessons their students need.


Please note that not all resources provide online student practice. The resources with the cursor and signal icon next to them have digital, reportable practice.



For Instruction and Practice, we recommend Performance Coach and Practice Coach Plus. These robust materials will support the teacher in instruction and give the students targeted practice on their needed skills.

Coach Digital Compass resource library showing Practice Coach Plus and Performance Coach for Grade 3 ELA.

For remediation and support, we recommend Support Coach, Ladders to Success, and Workout.

Coach Digital Compass Support Coach resource for Grade 3 ELA, focusing on reading comprehension.
Coach Digital Compass Ladders to Success resource for Grade 3 ELA, focusing on reading skills for struggling students.
Coach Digital Compass Workout resource for Grade 3 ELA, focusing on student-directed review and practice.

We encourage teachers to look at our Instruction Coach series for whole-group instruction. This resource allows teachers to provide whole-group instruction and provides a full teacher guide for strategies for success.

Coach Digital Compass Instruction Coach resource for Grade 3 ELA, focusing on genre-specific reading and writing.

Catch Up with Coach

Catch Up with Coach is designed explicitly for classrooms with students who are behind. You can find Catch Up with Coach in the second tab after you select the Content button. This resource is designed to quickly identify and close learning gaps to bring students back to grade level. The platform provides a screener that allows teachers to identify learning gaps across a grade level. The teacher will then give each student a list of prescribed lessons.

Coach Digital Compass Lesson Planner with assignments for Grade 3 ELA, Catch Up with Coach tab highlighted.

Lessons are organized into units, each containing a pre-test and post-test, along with lessons focused on specific skills. This structure helps teachers pinpoint learning gaps within individual units and assign lessons that address those gaps directly. Additionally, each lesson includes a secondary lesson designed to help teachers remediate students in a particular skill or prerequisite area.

Coach Digital Compass Lesson Planner showing assignments and progress for Grade 4 Math.


Coach Digital Compass Factors and Multiples 1 lesson page with area model examples and toolbar.

Score Report

Catch Up with Coach also provides teachers with a Score Report. This report allows teachers to set proficiency easily, view student learning gaps, and quickly assign needed lessons for students to close those gaps.

Coach Digital Compass Student Score Report showing proficiency level and blurred student scores for Grade 4 Math screening test and unit pre-test.


Please note that the reporting for anything completed in Catch Up with Coach will be unique to the Catch Up with Coach program. All recommendations will be within the Catch Up with Coach library of resources.


Digital Assessments

Coach Digital Compass offers digital assessments for teachers to assign to students. The pre-made assessments are found under the Digital Assessment tab after you select the Content button. Coach Digital Compass digital assessments are broken into two categories:

These assessments are intended to evaluate student progress after instruction and practice. For these assessments, there are two kinds:

Formative/Domain Assessments

These can be assigned per unit. Students can be evaluated based on specific standards and skills within a unit, domain, or strand. Some of the assessments relate to particular workbooks.

Coach Digital Assessments section with Domain Tests selected, showing list of assessments for Grade 4 Math.

Summative Assessments

These assessments cover standards and skills for the entire level selected.

Coach Digital Assessments section with Summative Tests selected, showing list of assessments for Grade 4 Math.

Placement/Diagnostic Tests

These assessments are usually given before a student starts a unit or lesson. They are broken down by skill and will dip into previous grade levels on some questions to identify learning gaps for pre-requisite skills to the assigned unit.

Coach Digital Compass Digital Assessments section with Diagnostic Tests selected, showing list of placement tests for Grade 4 Math.

Teacher Resources

The Teacher Resources tab offers a variety of materials, mainly focused on print resources. These include Teacher Guides, Instructional Materials, Print Assessments, Answer Keys, and Tools and Glossaries. If you're exploring ELA for grades 3 through 8, you'll also find a separate tab labeled Leveled Readers. This section provides leveled independent reading passages designed for students and is linked to your Instruction Coach resource.

Coach Digital Compass Teacher Resources section with list of available resources for Grade 3 ELA.

Assessment Builder

The Assessment Builder is found under the second button at the top of the page. This resource allows you to build custom ELA and Math assessments (grades 3 to 8). On this window, you can filter by Subject, Grade Level, Depth of Knowledge, and Question Type*. Teachers and administrators can also filter by standard. Additionally, teachers can search for questions using our “Search by question or passage text” method.

Coach Digital Compass Question Bank interface showing filters, open Assessment Builder menu, and assessment preview area.

After finding the questions for the assessment, the teacher can drag the questions over to the “Assessment Preview” from the Question Bank. The teacher will then enter a name for the assessment, provide instructions, and select “Save” (or “Save and Preview”).

Coach Digital Compass Question Bank showing filters, question list, assessment preview, and highlighted question.


The "Manage" button lets you view a list of all your students' assignments, providing insight into what has been assigned. You can filter by class, status (active, pending, expired, etc.), and whether the assignment was made by a teacher or an administrator. Additionally, you can edit, reassign, or modify assignments as needed.


You can switch to the calendar view to see your assignments on a calendar.

The Calendar view is also available from your dashboard.

Coach Digital Compass Assignment List Calendar view with highlighted Calendar option, showing assignments for March 2025.


 To directly access a report, hover over the “Reporting” button and choose your report of choice.

Coach Digital Compass Teacher Dashboard showing open Reporting dropdown menu with various report options.

Cumulative Standard Report

The first report is the Cumulative Standard Report, which displays the percentage of correct versus incorrect answers for each standard. It's organized by domain, strand (or unit), and individual standards. Teachers or administrators can filter the report by subject, grade level, class, student, assessment type, or a specific date range.

Teachers can also see the number of students involved, the number of items (questions asked), and can click on the "Items" button to view the individual questions.

The “View Recommendations” button can selected to assign additional content based on learning gaps.

Coach Digital Compass Cumulative Standards Report showing student performance on standards with filters and View Recommendations links.

Assignment Report

The Assignment Report enables teachers and administrators to view all tests and assignments. It includes a "Scored at Least" drop-down menu, which lets users filter by proficiency level. The report can be filtered by class, student, or assessment type and organizes assignments by type, subject, and grade level. The percentages indicate the proportion of students at or above proficiency (blue) versus those below proficiency (orange).


Select “View Report” to see a list of all students, their final scores, and the numbered questions. The teacher is provided with information on how the student performed on each question: blue is correct, and orange is incorrect.

Coach Digital Compass Assignment Report showing blurred student names, scores, and question performance.

Teachers can hover over questions to see a breakdown of students' answers and a list of reinforcing lessons on that skill.

Coach Digital Compass Assignment Report showing student scores and question performance, with a popover displaying detailed class statistics.

Other Reporting Tools

Additional options are available to export reports, allowing scores to be integrated into other systems if needed. Furthermore, a Catch Up with Coach report is provided, enabling teachers and administrators to view students' pre and post-test results for each unit.

Coach Digital Compass Standards Summary Report page with open Reporting dropdown menu, filter settings, and Export as CSV button.


The teacher dashboard surfaces the reporting to the main dashboard as alerts.

Coach Digital Compass Teacher Dashboard with student alerts, assignments, and report previews.

The student alerts will display a list of students struggling with specific standards, while the class alerts will highlight standards that students are having difficulty within the class. The Report button will direct you to the Cumulative Standards Report. By selecting an alert, you will be taken to a page where you can view and assign the recommended content.


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