Reading Assistant How do I set up a Mac?

Reading Assistant How do I set up a Mac?

Follow these steps to set up student Macbooks

Please review our Technical Requirements article before setting up your device.

  1. Ensure your browser is updated.

To use Reading Assistant, you need to use an up-to-date web browser. For best results, Reading Assistant works best when using Google Chrome. Unless otherwise noted, Reading Assistant supports the latest two versions of all major browsers. If your browser displays a message that you need to update your browser, then update your browser by following the prompts on the screen. If the message is still displayed after you update the browser, try clearing your browser cache and cookies.

Click here to find out what browser you’re using. For help updating your browser, try Chrome, Edge, and Firefox links.

  1. Always Allow the Microphone

To give Reading Assistant access to your microphone, follow the instructions below for the browser you're using:


  1. Ensure any voice recognition software (such as Siri) or browser extensions are disabled.
