EPS Connect Self-Registration

EPS Connect Self-Registration

District teachers can self-register and join their district using a district access code. The code generated is unique for each district and can be provided by your administrator or the Customer Success team. Registering and joining the district will give users access to the content licensed to the district.

Login Address: EPS Connect Login

Select the “Educators: Register as an individual” link.





Fill in the required fields for First Name, Last Name, Email, and Username. Validation will be run against the Email and Username fields; if they are valid, select Next.





Enter the district code with the Organizational User selected (default).

After copying and pasting or typing the code, click Select School for the code to load (or place it in the blank space to the right).



Select your school.



Select SUBMIT at the top right to complete the sign-up.



Suggestions for next steps:

Teachers will then assign the courses (modules) they teach to their classes. This can be done by going to the Class Listing page:
Selecting USERS > ORGANIZATIONS > CLASSES, check each class, and select the Assign Course button.



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