Starting an iSPIRE Lesson: A Guide for Teachers
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  • Starting an iSPIRE Lesson: A Guide for Teachers

    This tutorial is designed to guide teachers through beginning an iSPIRE lesson, ensuring a smooth and engaging learning experience for students. By following these steps, teachers can effectively manage classroom activities and monitor student progress throughout the lesson.

    Video Guide

    Step-by-Step Instructions

    1. Log In: Ensure you and your students are logged into your respective iSPIRE accounts. This synchronization is essential for a seamless lesson experience.


    1. Access Your Class: Navigate to your class within the iSPIRE platform and select the introductory lesson you've assigned. This will be the starting point for your lesson.


    1. Device Synchronization: Student devices will automatically sync with the teacher's device once the lesson is accessed. This allows you, the teacher, to control the flow and navigation of the lesson, ensuring all students are on the same track.


    1. Dashboard Overview: Upon entering the lesson, you'll be directed to the dashboard. This area provides a snapshot of class lists and student progress specific to the current lesson.


    1. Understanding the Pack: The 'Pack' icon houses critical resources for the lesson, including assessment directions, vocabulary development activities, and alternate dictation exercises for older students. These materials are essential for a comprehensive learning experience.


    1. Initiating the Lesson: Click the 'Activity' icon to start the lesson. This action will transition you into the interactive iSPIRE lesson environment with step-by-step teacher directions.


    1. Navigating the Lesson Steps: iSPIRE lessons are structured into 10 steps, each designed to build upon the previous one. These steps are further divided into 'scenes,' which represent specific parts or activities within a step.


    1. Eyes on Teacher Mode: You'll notice a blue bar indicating 'Eyes on Teacher Mode' on your device during certain activities. This signals students to direct their attention to you for instructions or explanations. During this mode, student devices will display a blue screen with a white arrow, prompting them to look up from their devices.


    1. Device Settings: To ensure a smooth lesson experience, verify that student devices (whether laptops or iPads) are set to prevent auto-lock or entering energy-saving mode. This helps avoid disruptions during the lesson.

    Exiting the Lesson: You can exit a lesson at any point using the gray arrow at the bottom left of your screen. Exiting will also redirect students back to their home screen on iSPIRE.

    Lesson Structure: Understanding the structure of iSPIRE lessons, including the division into steps and scenes, is crucial for effective lesson delivery and navigation.


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